My Services

My Service Roles

  • Insurance Agent licensed to sell and service life, health and variable insurance products through New York Life Insurance Company, its subsidiaries and other non-affiliated companies in several states.

    Registered Representative (Registered Rep) licensed to offer financial and investment products through NYLIFE Securities, LLC in several states.

  • Registered Investment Adviser Representative (IAR) offering financial planning and investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC. in several states.

Depending on your needs, I may fill one or more of these roles while working with you. I will start by working to fully understand your current circumstances; your hopes, dreams and goals for the future; and your personal values. When I really understand you, I will be in position to use my technical expertise and common-sense experience to provide the best advice to you and to determine which roles fit your situation.

Eagle Strategies Advisor (IAR)

Comprehensive fee-based financial planning process and/or investment advisory services which are designed to address some or all of the following areas of focus:

  • Net Worth Analysis

  • Cash-flow Analysis

  • Investment Planning

  • Retirement Planning

  • Business Continuation Strategies

  • Estate Planning Strategies

  • Risk Management Planning

  • Charitable Planning

This process includes working with you to:

  • Assess your current financial situation,

  • Understand and prioritize your objectives,

  • Develop suitable strategies,

  • Take action to meet your goals in a coordinated way,

  • Analyze current investments,

  • Provide portfolio guidance ,

  • Periodically review and monitor your progress toward your goals, and

  • Respond to new problems in an extremely timely manner.

Registered Representative of NYLIFE Securities

Offering commissioned or fee-based investment and financial products and services, including:

  • Assessment of your current situation,

  • Evaluation of your tolerance for investment risk,

  • Understanding and prioritization of your financial goals,

  • Recommendation of suitable investment alternatives,

  • Broad spectrum of proprietary and non-proprietary investment products,

  • Variety of account titling types, and

  • Periodic review of your accounts and your investment performance.

Insurance Agent for New York Life and Other Carriers

Acting as a commissioned insurance agent to handle insurance needs as they arise including:

  • Reviewing of current insurance policies,

  • Evaluating coverage needs,

  • Meeting service needs for existing policies,

  • Addressing coverage shortfalls,

  • Recommending appropriate insurance products,

  • Implementing and structuring new policies effectively, and

  • Providing insurance products needed to complete a comprehensive plan.

**Neither New York life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provides tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any decisions.